FATHERS AND SONS by Alison Email: xalison@excite.com Category: Response to challenge Disclaimer: Not mine, etc Archive: Wherever you like! Summary: This is in response to the July Topica challenge featuring a minor character from the Lone Gunmen series. Spoilers: Diagnosis Jimmy, Pilot episode NOTE at end Tom Dimsdale hesitated outside the door of his father's hospital room. He had been pacing up and down the corridor for the last ten minutes, getting as far as putting his hand on the door handle before the memory of his father's last words to him surfaced in his mind. "Go away! Just go away!" ... and yet ... he's my father, for god's sake! I'm his only on ... his only relative, I'm responsible for him. Just go in there, Tom, say whatever you have to say to get round him. He needs you, in spite of what he says. He took another deep breath and headed for the door, only to be brought up short when the door opened in his face.It was the tall, knockout brunette he'd seen talking to the other guy sharing his father's room, the big blond idiot. He'd wondered at the time what she saw in him. "Coming in?" Her voice was low and husky . Tom hesitated. "Um ...". She looked down her nose at him with a slight smirk. "It's all right, I'm just leaving." She sauntered off down the corridor with a knowing waggle of her hips. Tom tore his eyes away from her retreating back view and looked back towards his father's bed. His father was still asleep, deeply sedated after the surgery. "Well, if he's asleep he can't be bawling me out ... " He walked to the foot of the bed and looked down at the sleeping man. He looked smaller, vulnerable, crumpled and somehow pathetic. "He's your father, isn't he?" Tom startled and looked across at the other bed. He hadn't noticed that the other patient also had a visitor. The young man in the bed was, like his father, also fast asleep, and next to him sat an older man of about Tom's own age. Tom shrugged, annoyed. "What's it to you?" The guy got up and strolled across to stand by the bed, his hands in his pockets. "Sorry, I guess it's none of my business really ... but our friend, Yves, you saw her just now, she told us what happened last time you were here. And Jimmy there, he was apparently talking to your dad a lot before their surgery. He's kind of a soft-hearted kid and it got to him about your dad yelling at you like that. Yves told us all about it." Tom turned, resentful, and looked at the guy closely for the first time. He was about Tom's own age or maybe a little older, unremarkable looking at first in his nondescript suit and tie, until you noticed his astonishingly expressive, gentle eyes. Tom felt his resentment melt away. Maybe the guy really did want to help. Still it went against the grain to talk about family matters to a complete stranger. But the bearded guy must have been a mind reader. "My own father didn't talk to me at all for ten years. And the first time I saw him after that, he hit me in the face." Tom looked at him in disbelief but he was quite serious. "You're kidding." "Nope." The other guy hesitated a little, staring at the floor as if unsure whether to confide in Tom. After a pause he went on. "He thought I'd let him down ... I didn't come up to the standard he expected of his son. I gave up a good job, good prospects, a good career, to do what *I* thought was important. He couldn't understand that. It was like he thought I'd betrayed him." Tom laughed bitterly. "Sounds familiar." He looked sideways at the other man, who had now picked up his father's notes and was flicking through them. "So what happened then?" The bearded guy shrugged. "Well, I didn't hit him back if that's what you mean ..... to cut a long story short, we worked things out, we're talking again now, and he understands what I'm doing and accepts me for what I am." Tom shook his head. "I can't see that happening with my dad. He hates ... despises what I do." "Maybe so .. but he doesn't hate *you*. I realised that about my father, it was because he cared so much, wanted so much for me, it hit him hard when I didn't want to do exactly what he expected. "He wanted to be proud of me ... and it was like I'd rejected him. It was like he'd been waiting ten years to hit me in the mouth, like payback for rejecting him." Tom sighed. "My dad's disowned me ... he told me to get out and not come back. What can I do about it? How did you work it out with your dad?" "Well, it was a kind of unique situation ... we got into a situation where we both nearly got killed. After that I think he realised .. we both realised how much time we'd wasted for no reason. Ten years ... just because we were both too proud to make the first move." Tom was silent, and the man went on. "Did you hear what happened here yesterday? That rogue doctor, Belucci, who's been murdering patients in several other hospitals, they found he was working here. He nearly killed Jimmy last night. It could easily have been your father instead. When your father first came round after surgery last night, he asked where Jimmy was ... they had to tell him what had happened. "So your father must be feeling pretty vulnerable right now....Maybe he'll realise that he does need you. From what Jimmy said to him, I think he realises that now. I think if you give him another chance, he'll be more .... approachable." "Why, what did your friend say?" "I get the impression Jimmy gave him a piece of his mind ... he may not be too bright but his instincts are usually pretty good." Tom hesitated again. The bearded guy smiled sadly. "What can he say to you that he hasn't already said? What have you got to lose? You'll never have another chance like this." Tom took a deep breath. "Put that way, it's worth a try." Just then his father stirred and mumbled, and his hand twitched on the covers. Tom looked at the other man almost in panic. "Hey ......" But the other guy was half way out the door. "Good luck" was the last thing Tom heard. Outside, Byers leaned against the wall and wondered, sent up a prayer to whoever or whatever might be listening for what was goling on behind that closed door. Hoped that for one father and son at least, there would be a happy ending. END Note; I know I've taken some liberties with the time line here. In the episode, there isn't time for this scene. But I think the time line is wrong. Think about it. Dimsdale and Jimmy are being prepped for surgery at the same time, then immediately after there's Bellucci's attempt to kill Jimmy. When Jimmy wakes up, Dimsdale is already dressed and ready to leave hospital. After a hip replacement? I don't think so! The only way it would work is if Jimmy was out of it for about 48 hours .. which I suppose is possible because we don't know exaclty what was in the stuff that Belucci injected him with